Pastor Keith Peri is our founding Senior Pastor.
The church was first formed by Pastor Keith and Ed, his husband of 22 years, in their home in 2004. Having graduated with a B.S. in Pastoral Ministry from WEB College, and a Master’s Degree from the Assemblies of God Theological Seminary, Keith has served as a missionary, youth pastor, and associate pastor.
Pastor Jonathan Smith is our Associate Pastor.
He assists with preaching, counseling, and other ministries. With a passion for sharing God’s love and a heart for evangelism, Pastor Jonathan has served on the mission field with the Southern Baptist Home Missions Board. Jonathan and his husband Ryan live in Atlanta.
Pastor Loyda is our worship leader.
Raised in the Assembly of God church in Puerto Rico, she was leading worship from a very young age. With a heart of worship and a passion for racial reconciliation, Loyda lives in Atlanta with her wife Sarah.
The Deacons
In the New Testament, Deacons were chosen and appointed to assist with operational decisions and financial matters of the church. Since our church is a 501c3 non-profit and incorporated in the state of Georgia, our deacons also function and serve as the Board of Directors.